93% of British Consumers Concerned For The Planet

by Leavewell
6 October 2024

In March 2023 Leavewell commissioned an independent survey of 1000 respondents to gain an understanding of what the British public thinks about natural organic reduction as a funeral option.  Natural organic reduction is over whelmingly a more positive option for the environment compared with cremation, burial, electrically powered cremators and aquamation so as an introduction we needed to understand whether potential consumers are concerned about the impact human activity is having on the planet.  93% of respondents replied ‘yes’ indicating that regardless of age, geographical location, income level or gender, consumers are concerned about the impact of human activity on the planet.

The same 93% make decisions or select options some (29%) or all (68%) of the time to minimise potential negative environmental impacts.  This got me thinking about what decisions or options we make as householders on a day to day basis to minimise negative environmental impacts including;

  • Recycling - using the recycling schemes for cardboard, food waste and plastics provided by the local councils. The rise in popularity of recycling fashion and homewares websites and apps such as Vinted, Facebook Marketplace, Depop and Vestiaire Collective is such a positive indication of a consumer commitment to reducing waste to landfill and the requirement for newly manufactured household or clothing items.
  • Upcycling - The trend for upcycling furniture items in particular is a positive result of consumer choices minimising negative environmental impacts.  Taking a tired chest of drawers or coffee table and adding a lick of paint or more contemporary set of handles to ensure that the item, often made very well using traditional techniques, is enjoyed for a further 20 or 30 years rather than encouraging the purchase of a newly manufactured item with the inevitable pollution trail attached.
  • Nutrition choices - Reducing the amount of meat consumed has a positive environmental impact.  According to the Vegetarian Society people ate 17% less meat in 2019 compared with 2008 and spent almost twice the amount on meat free food items in 2020 compared with 2016.
  • Construction improvements - Increasing numbers of householders are upgrading the insulation in their homes. Improved insulation means that heating your home is more efficient with less heat loss through walls and roofs.
  • Installing solar panels - Harnessing natural resources to reduce demand for energy supply is another way that householders are making positive consumer choices with many new homes now fitting some solar panels.

With positive choices available in so many areas of consumerism, how come more of us aren’t asking about the impact of their funeral choices when loved ones pass away?  Funeral conversation is a notoriously difficult area with fear blocking open and honest conversation around a life event that we will all experience and the funeral industry reluctant to shed light on this aspect of their service.  Cremations account for 80% of UK funerals with each service creating the same amount of CO2 as a return flight to Rome.  At Leavewell we will increase awareness of the impact of cremation on the environment and how natural organic reduction is a much more meaningful and environmentally positive option without any compromise for families.

At a time when we’re embracing our responsibility towards the environment, choosing Enhanced Organic Reduction is a way for all of us contribute towards reducing our environmental impact.

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